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The need for developing apprenticeship programs has never been greater, that’s why Lone Star College is hosting a series of events for companies, and trade and industry groups to learn about the many benefits these programs produce.

“Whether your company has formal Department of Labor (DOL) registered apprenticeship or information apprenticeship model for new hire, Lone star College can help your company as the technical & academic education provider while your new and incumbent workers embark on a 2-4 year apprenticeship,” said Linda Leto Head, LSC senior associate vice chancellor, External and Employer Relations. “In fact, Lone Star College can also serve as the DOL registered provider for you.”

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is a national celebration that takes place Nov. 12 – 18 and offers leaders in business industry, labor, and education a chance to demonstrate their support for apprenticeships. It is estimated that nearly 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will likely be needed over the next decade, and 2 million are expected to go unfilled due to the skills gap.

LSC is hosting a series of special events featuring demonstrations and exhibits to commemorate NAW. These events take place at:

LSC-Conroe Center, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. – noon

LSC-University Park, Nov. 13, 9 a.m. – noon

LSC-North Harris, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. – noon

LSC-Cypress Center, Nov. 15, 9 a.m. – noon

Please visit LoneStar.edu/NAW to learn more.

Long known for developing a highly skilled workforce, LSC continues to expand it programs with state-of-the-art centers with high technical labs and classrooms for entry level employees and awards in industry certification.

Since 2015, Lone Star College has constructed these centers to complement the labs and classrooms including updating healthcare facilities in 2012-2014. The centers include LSC-Westway Park Technology Center (opening fall 2018), LSC-Process Technology Center (downstream oil & gas), LSC-Construction and Skilled Trades Technology Center (residential, commercial & industrial construction), LSC-Conroe Center (manufacturing), LSC-Cypress Center (manufacturing), LSC-University Park (oil & gas and manufacturing). A complete listing of programs is available at LoneStar.edu/Workforce.

“National Apprenticeship Week provides an opportunity to put a spotlight on how apprenticeships can help Americans learn the skills they need for success in today’s workplace,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. “By increasing the number of apprenticeships, more Americans will be on the path to family-sustaining jobs.”

Lone Star College offers high-quality, low-cost academic transfer and career training education to 99,000 students each semester. LSC is training tomorrow’s workforce today and redefining the community college experience to support student success. Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., serves as chancellor of LSC, the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area with an annual economic impact of nearly $3 billion. LSC consists of six colleges, eight centers, two university centers, Lone Star Corporate College and LSC-Online. To learn more, visit LoneStar.edu.