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Socializing in Senior Living
Tips for Making New Friends
Published on: July 02, 2024
Group of 6 senior adults posing for camera outside.

Senior living communities offer a fantastic opportunity for newcomers to build new friendships and enjoy an active social life. Here are some tips to get you started:

Be Active in Community Events

Most senior living communities have a busy calendar of activities, from movie nights to exercise classes to guest speakers. Attend events that interest you and make an effort to chat with the people you meet. This is a great way to find folks with similar hobbies and interests.

Make Meals Social

Dining with others is a fantastic chance to connect. Strike up conversations with people sitting near you, or invite someone you met at an activity to join you for lunch or dinner.

Join Clubs and Groups

Many senior living communities have clubs for everything from bookworms to card sharks. Look for groups that align with your interests – this is a surefire way to meet people who share your passions.

Smile and Be Approachable

A friendly demeanor is magnetic! Make eye contact, smile warmly, and strike up conversations with people you see around the community.

Be Patient

Building friendships takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t click with everyone right away. Keep putting yourself out there and attending events, and eventually, you’ll find your crew.

Remember, the staff at your senior living community can also be a great resource. Let them know you’re interested in socializing and making friends, and they may be able to suggest activities or introduce you to people you might enjoy spending time with.