Montgomery County school districts offer a range of top-rated educational opportunities for families moving to Houston or relocating to Houston. With excellent academic programs, strong community involvement, and diverse extracurricular activities, these districts provide an outstanding environment for students to thrive. Whether you’re a newcomer looking for high-achieving schools in Conroe ISD, advanced career programs in Tomball ISD, or small class sizes in Montgomery ISD, there’s a district that meets every family’s needs.
5 Popular Montgomery County School Districts
This guide highlights the key features of each district to help you make the best choice for your child’s education.
Conroe ISD • 936-709-7752
Conroe ISD is a 348-square-mile school district that is geographically diverse and includes The Woodlands, Shenandoah, Oak Ridge North, Conroe, and Caney Creek, as well as several other smaller towns, communities, and unincorporated areas. As the 13th largest district in Texas and the 71st largest in the U.S., Conroe ISD serves over 59,000 students across 60 campuses and is one of the fastest-growing districts in the State with an average enrollment growth of approximately 1,500 students per year.
Conroe ISD is a community of individuals working together to achieve the best for students. The District is proud of the accomplishments of students, teachers, and administrators who have helped make Conroe ISD a great school district. Achievement scores continue to increase and are well above the State and national averages. The mean SAT score for the District is 1556 compared to 1484 for the nation and 1393 for the State. The mean ACT score is 23.2 with the nation and State at 20.8 and 20.6 respectively. Conroe ISD also has a graduation rate of 95.7%, one of the highest in Texas.
For the sixth year in a row, TxSmartSchools, awarded the highest rating of 5-Stars to Conroe ISD for having high academic standards while spending efficiently. And speaking of efficient spending, Conroe ISD’s tax rate is one of the lowest in the Greater Houston metropolitan area at $1.28.
Conroe ISD offers a comprehensive core academic program, a vast array of athletics, a cutting-edge Career and Technical Education curriculum, and a slate of fine arts courses to meet the needs and interests of all students.
The Conroe Independent School District encompasses 348 square miles, educates nearly 54,000 students, and consists of 56 campuses. The appealing size of the district and the small-town surroundings of the Conroe area foster strong involvement by parents and the surrounding community. From specialized programs and the latest in technology to outstanding extracurricular and athletic programs, Conroe ISD strives to meet the diverse needs of students at all grade levels.
Magnolia ISD • 281-356-3571
Located 45 miles north of Houston and to the west of The Woodlands, the Magnolia Independent School District provides an outstanding learning environment offering innovative programs, modern facilities, and exceptional teachers.
The district serves approximately 13,000 students and provides a well-balanced curriculum to meet the needs of all students offering advanced academics, dual credit programs, Career and Technical Education career paths and certifications, Early Childhood, and full-day Kindergarten. Magnolia West High School is the only public school in Montgomery County to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. This prestigious, challenging academic program prepares junior and senior students for the rigor of college coursework and is recognized by elite universities around the world as an excellent preparatory curriculum.
One of the fastest growing districts in the state among comparable size districts, Magnolia’s campuses include eight elementary schools, two 6th grade junior high schools, two 7th and 8th grade junior high schools, three high schools, and one alternative high school. This growth has been met with excellent facilities and increased community support.
Students in the district are recognized for national and state accolades in academics, athletics, agriculture, health science, career and technology, fine arts programs, and the Navy Junior ROTC. District honors include National Merit Scholars and above-average SAT and ACT scores.
The mission of Magnolia ISD is to provide an educational environment that will enable all students to develop essential academic skills for a lifetime of learning and to be responsible, contributing citizens in a diverse and changing world.
Montgomery ISD • 936-582-1333
MISD educates over 8700 students who live within the 231-square-mile boundary. The district has eight schools with three more on the way. MISD opened a new elementary school and junior high school in the Fall of 2017 with a new high school opening in the Fall of 2018.
The district employs an outstanding instructional staff of 543 certified teachers. Of these educators, the staff has an average of 13.05 years of teaching experience and 138 teachers hold advanced degrees MISD class sizes are small and average about 15.5 students for each teacher, which enables them to give their students individualized attention and in-depth instruction. Montgomery ISD maintains an environment rich in opportunities for its students to engage in and develop their passions. In addition, Montgomery High School was named one of Newsweek’s Best High Schools in America.
With an unyielding commitment to excellence, MISD seeks to provide a premier academic program that recognizes the unique potential of each student and integrate the intellectual, social, cultural, and physical aspects of learning. Staff and educators work to empower each student to become an eager lifelong learner committed to academic excellence, integrity, responsible citizenship, and service to others.
The district tracks its students’ progress through the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR). Details about the district’s involvement in these programs can be found on the Texas Education Agency’s School Performance page,
Tomball ISD • 281-357-3100
The Tomball Independent School District is a highly regarded public school system that maintains a reputation for excellence. The district serves approximately 15,000 students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12 in 18 modern, well-equipped facilities that were designed and built with students and their needs in mind. The district is committed to high student achievement characterized by quality instruction, equality of opportunities and resources, and demonstrated results.
Tomball ISD is proud to offer various academic programs that focus on ensuring students are college and workforce-ready. Courses in the Career & Technical Education department offer certifications that prepare students to become contributing members of the workforce within the Tomball community. The district also offers courses based on the engineering curriculum provided by Project Lead The Way – a non-profit organization and a provider of K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs.
The Health Science program is another certification option for Tomball ISD students. This program prepares students for a career in the medical field by offering classes in medical terminology, nutrition, hydration,n and safety, and by caring for individuals who reside in nursing facilities or nursing homes. Courses offered in Tomball ISD’s Career & Technical Education program offer additional educational opportunities as students decide on a career choice.
As part of its mission to provide innovative, individually rigorous, and personally valuable educational experiences that allow students to become responsible, productive citizens, Tomball ISD is proud that its students are graduating from high school ready for college, or with highly valued professional credentials in a variety of industries
Willis ISD • 936-856-1200
Education is exciting for the more than 7,000 Willis Wildkats who attend one of five elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school. Willis ISD is a growing K-12 district nestled between the Sam Houston National Forest and Lake Conroe.
The District and all campuses once again achieved the highest rating of “Met Standard” under the 2016 State Accountability System. Since 2013, Willis ISD schools have earned a total of 15 Academic Achievement Distinctions Designations.
Higher expectations for student achievement are set every year and are complimented by a comprehensive array of rigorous academic programs including Gifted and Talented, Career and Technology, Advanced Placement, and Dual Credit courses. College-ready juniors and seniors can take Lone Star College courses in their high school classrooms, with some students graduating with more than 40 hours of college credit. Through the Career and Technology program, students can get a quick start on their career by acquiring skills in a variety of areas including architecture and construction, agriculture, audio/video technology, business management, health science, hospitality services, and information technology. Individual talents and valuable life skills are enriched through the athletic, fine arts, and extracurricular programs.
Willis ISD honors small-town values and traditions. It is a community that pulls together for the kids and develops personal connections with them and their families. At the same time, staff and educators are focused on preparing the students to live and work successfully in the global community of the 21st century.
Montgomery County School Districts
For newcomers relocating to Houston, Montgomery County’s school districts offer high-quality education, modern facilities, and strong community support. Whether you prioritize academic excellence, specialized career programs, or small-town charm, there’s a district that aligns with your family’s goals. With growing enrollment, award-winning schools, and dedicated educators, these districts make moving to Houston a great decision for families seeking top-tier education.
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